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Beachside Qigong & Tai Chi

Surfing the Sea the Chi book cover

Surfing the Sea of Chi - Book by Lea Williamson, Surfing ShiFu

  • 2 etapas


A global wave of awareness is building. Our species is about to wake up to the reality that all is one. Will you paddle out and ride the wave of whole being wellness as it unfurls it’s cosmic chi? Just stand, relax, and breathe. Even if you don’t surf or practice tai chi, this book will inspire you to push past limiting fears to live into your highest potential. Surfing the Sea of Chi is a surf adventure into responsible care for one's self and the planet, offering a doable daily action plan beginning with the basics of breathing. Using the Super Six Essentials checklist, the author moves her life from fear to joy. And so can you. Did you know Lea Williamson, founder of, wrote an Amazon #1 book? It’s true! Released in 2019, right before the Covid pandemic hit. Timing wasn’t so good because all promotional events got canceled. BUT timing was good because some of the folks who bought it during lockdowns said it really helped them with the fear and anxiety they experienced. Sure, you could buy a cheap copy on Amazon & pay Amazon not Lea . . . OR you could buy a copy directly from the author here and have her sign it to you and ship it directly to your mailbox. Here’s a little info on it. Just the facts, no hype: * Amazon #1 New Release * Invited to present at Smithsonian’s 2020 traveling exhibit WATER|WAYS: an exploration of the human relationship with water * NOT self-published, actually accepted by a traditional publisher (not so easy) * Noted as “a timeless work” by Simon & Schuster imprint Indigo River Publishing * Featured in several third-party podcasts Reviewers: “…paradigm shifting in a non-judgmental, non-threatening way.” Tai M. “This book will speak to you about living a life consistent with your values." --Profgirl “A fascinating, intimate story, one that opens a new chapter in waveriding as a form of meditation." —Nicola Z. “An epic for navigating everything from sharks to erroneous thought patterns.” Amy

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US$ 23,00


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